Charlemagne's Beginnings
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Sadly, Charlemagne suffers from canine epilepsy. He started having grand-mal seizures at 7 months of age and was diagnosed with ideopathic epilepsy (meaning that no other cause--toxins, thyroid problems, etc.--was found for his seizures). We started him on Potassium Bromide (KBr) but after 3 months, he progressed to having cluster seizures (multiple seizures in a day). Cluster seizures are far more dangerous than single isolated seizures because there is a chance that the dog can go into a continuous seizure and possibly die, so this is a big deal. In order to try to gain control over his seizuring, he is now also taking Phenobarbital and is also being treated with acupuncture through The Western Dragon. This has been a difficult experience for us all and it's really hard to watch our boy go through this, but we're hopeful that this combo of treatments will help us get control over Charlemagne epilepsy and let him live a long and normal life.